
The next Guernsey General Election will

take place on Wednesday 18th June 2025.

The role of “People's Deputy” is an honour and a responsibility. It requires preparation, dedication and cooperation.
The States of Guernsey has prepared this site to help anyone considering standing for Election, by providing information on eligibility to stand, how our government works, the roles and responsibilities of a Deputy, and what successful candidates can expect, once they take office. Further information including how to stand, what is involved in campaigning, and details of upcoming events, will also be provided on this site in due course.

How Government Works

Understand how Guernsey's unique and complex system of government operates, and the place a Deputy has within it.

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Being a Deputy

Understand the roles and responsibilities a Deputy can have, and what it means to act in the best interests of the public.

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What to Expect

Understand what a successful candidate can expect, including training and support, time commitments and remuneration.

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